Friday, August 21, 2009

So Proud of My Brother

My dear brother Lynn has been called to serve in the Philippines Tacloban mission. He is more than just my brother he is a wonderful friend and I already miss him terribly, but I do know that he is going to serve our Heavenly Father and am so proud of his decision to do so. I also know that he is going to do a wonderful job. I was lucky enough to go along with my parents to take him to Uhta and drop him off at the MTC. It was a wonderful experience. We had the chance to hang out with Nicole, Craig, Brianna, our adopted siblings Ellen and Katy. We stayed with our cousin Rachel which is always a blast. Lynn had a few last minute items he needed before the big day so we made a late night run to Wal-Mart, we then spent the rest of Tuesday night and most of Wednesday morning playing Risk. This was a new game to me, luckily Lynn helped me. We finally called it quits and helped Katy win around 5 am. Then we all crashed until my parents came around waking us all up. We then went to eat at Panda Express Lynn's favorite place to eat in Utah (it is just better out there). Then with the new regulations at the MTC we all piled into the back of the pick up to give him a proper redneck send off. It was great!! I hope you enjoy the photos.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Nicely done glad someone keeps up with what's going on in the fam