Wednesday, August 5, 2009

End of July update

As usual July few by in the blink of an eye. It is amazing how it happens every year, and every year I am still surprised. To continue from the last update, after the fun trip to Lake Navajo, Chris, Alexis, Lynn and myself all went up north to Grand Lake, CO. Chris' family has a cabin up in the mountains that we have been taking a yearly trip to. It is so much fun. We went into town and road around the lake on a boat, which Alexis loved! We also waked around town looking at all the neat shops. As usual we spent some time in Rocky Mountain National Park looking for moose and elk. We were again lucky this year to see some moose and many elk. Alexis loved seeing the animals, the elk were so accustomed to people they hardly noticed she was yelling at them to 'come here'. It was a great time had by all.

We came home just in time to attend the Manassa Pioneer Day Celebrations and Stampeded. Nicole, Ryan, Lynn, Scott (yes he is old enough to go!!),myself and many cousins all went to the Rodney Atkins concert it was a blast!! We took Alexis to the parade both Friday and Saturday. She loved the floats and going to get the candy that was thrown out. She is so cute! Seeing the horses in the parade had her telling me quite frequently, "I need a ride". It was very hard to resist so Chris and I took her for a ride. I know we give in too easily, but she asks so sweetly.
Rodney Atkins at the concert
awaiting the parade getting her ride
Aunt Nikki and Alexis drinking heavy under the trees!
My favorite float
Alexis getting her ride on a real horse.

After the crazy weekend celebrating, mom, Nicole, Alexis, and myself along with my cousin Stewart and his wife Jody all went to the Mortensen Mountains for a picnic it was a blast. On the way home we stopped by my Grandma and Grandpa Mortensen's house and my cousin Kayla was there with her twins who are one day older than Alexis. It was so cute to see the three of them together. Nicole and I took them out to see the horses and play in the front yard. It became apparent that Alexis is just a bit bossy, luckily the boys did not seem to mind too much.

The three counsins

1 comment:

Nicole said...

This summer really was a TON of fun.. those three cousins pics are so cute.. I love it!